+7 (965) 143-16-80 Become a customer
5 Ledneva Street, Office 403,
Novorossiysk, Russia



Forwarding in port is a complex of operations related to escorting and handling of cargo in port of arrival with mandatory carrying out of all required procedures and documentation in close cooperation with official state and port authorities.

Forwarding with Win Way Logistics is representation and protection of consignee and cargo owner’s interests in order to remove the cargo from port’s territory as quickly as possible and minimize any additional expenses in port. For this purpose Win Way Logistics cooperates with port and intermediates between a client, sea carrier, port of arrival and different controlling state authorities. The forwarding company can act as an agent for collection and payment not only of sea freight but also terminal expenses in port including all possible cargo operations to be performed with a container: customs inspection, weighing, scanning – container passing through inspection monitoring complex.

Our advantage is availability of our operations office in port in close proximity to customs authorities, port services and terminals which let us solve any problems arising in the course of work quickly and efficiently.

Win Way Logistics is an authorized representative of its client in the port’s territory, which performs the following functions:

  • •rranges and participates in customs operations performed with the goods: inspection, screening, weighing;
  • Controls the procedure of scanning the container with cargo (inspection monitoring complex);
  • Timely informs about the status of cargo passing any procedure and about any deviations arising. Inquires data required for prompt solution of current problems;
  • Takes and sends photos during inspection procedure, controls cargo safety and, if required, possible and specifically instructed – tally packages and separate items;
  • Examines a container after its loading onto the transport means;
  • Offers and arranges all possible measures on cargo packing recovery, cargo securing in the container during stuffing after preliminary and customs inspections;
  • Arranges and controls cargo transfer from universal sea containers to other transport means: rail, motor.

Forwarding services arrangement is our everyday work. Win Way Logistics is in top five forwarding companies in Novorossiysk. Trust your cargo to us and we’ll take care of it!

To calculate
the cost of forwarding services
We’ll help to calculate the cost of forwarding services.

To calculate the cost of forwarding services