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5 Ledneva Street, Office 403,
Novorossiysk, Russia

Customs transit clearance in Novorossiysk

Customs transit clearance Novorossiysk, Krasnodar and regions

Customs transit clearance in Novorossiysk is one of our main activities. Win Way Logistics company is a licensed customs carrier and broker.

Customs transit clearance in Novorossiysk is a service which Win Way Logistics offers to the foreign trade activity participants from the date of its foundation

We clear the customs transit either as a licensed customs carrier or under security of customs duties payment at customs transit (certificate of guarantee with depositing the funds to customs account or third parties’ guarantee).

The advantage of customs transit for the consignee is that this regime makes it possible to carry imported goods across the territory of the Russian Federation without customs duties paying. Customs transit makes it possible not to pay some taxes, apply economic embargoes and restrictions set forth by the Russian legislation. There is no need to present licenses. An important advantage for the cargo consignee is choosing the place of cargo customs clearance by itself.

Win Way Logistics clears and arranges goods delivery under customs regime for the period of over 18 years already. The transportation geography – Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Belarus.

Proper subdivision of customs applicants in NUTEP port in close proximity to customs post lets us collect and prepare set of documents required for customs transit clearance quickly, in time, and in accordance with the requirements of laws.

One of our competitive advantages is our proper container truck fleet. This advantage lets WWL carry cargo at competitive prices. The transport is regularly maintained. The container trucks are equipped with GLONASS system. For the years of their work in the sphere of customs transit clearance in Novorossiysk our specialists studied all the details of legislation related to import and export operations connected with customs transit. Moreover WWL customs applicants are constantly tracking the changes in the sphere of customs clearance. This leads to efficient cooperation with customs authorities and lets clear and deliver the cargo under customs transit regime to our clients without any additional time and financial expenditures.

Win Way Logistics being the customs carrier will make every effort to deliver the cargo to our clients in due time!

To calculate
the cost of customs transit
We’ll help to calculate the cost of customs clearance, clear the cargoes under export, import, transit, re-export, temporary import customs procedures.

The list of main documents for customs transit.